Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Movie Review: Veggie Tales

Veggie Tales: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (G, 85 mins)

I was a bit resistant to seeing this movie although I know my kids like Veggies Tales and pirates...the VT DVD's are overtly Christian. But this first full-length film did not directly mention the Lord or Jesus...but obviously based its stories on basic morality tales.

We took 3 young ones (5yo, 4yo, 2yo)...loaded up with popcorn, lemonade, and fruit snacks...and headed into the dark. No one can dispute these limbless vegetables are adorable. They sing, tell jokes, and tell a good story. The story revolves around a group of dinner theater waiters (who are performing a pirate play) being transported into a pirate adventure complete with saving a princess and taking down the bad, oddly formed bad pirate.

Our favorite part is when one VT comes face to face with his favorite snack food...cheese puffs (which happen to be a favorite here as well). I also really enjoyed the music video over the credits (a take on B-52's Rock Lobster...Rock Monster).

Overall, it was enjoyable. The older two really like it. Mine said it was his favorite pirate movie. Our 2yo was more interested in climbing the seats and railings at the theater...but did do some dancing in his seat. For is entertaining enough to get through it (some jokes only adults will get) but not nearly as enjoyable as some other animated films (e.g. Pixar flicks, Shreks).

I recommend it for kids 3-6yo. The theater might be fun but not necessary to enjoy it. I'm sure it will be checked out on DVD by us at some point.


The Invisible said...

Man... dogged Hoodwinked in the "not nearly as enjoyable as some other animated films" category.


Misc said...

Thanks for the review. My kiddos have been wanting to see this so I think we'll take them soon.

Jenna said...

Hoodwinked and Barnyard would be in the category of "parentally entertaining". Sorry, I didn't make an exhaustive list....Mr. I know people in movies.