Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Funny!

Someone I know....heard that putting clear nail polish on bug bites will help them from itching....we don't have any clear polish so someone is very colorful right now (but not itching).


Misc said...

My nearly-5-year-old paints her nails just about every day, though she also ends up painting all of her feet and most of her hands in the process. No bug bites there, I can tell you. And no itching. :-)

Jenna said...

I'd love to say that it was one of the kids...

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

It's a wives tale that painting nail polish over chigger bites will suffocate them, and if they die the itching will stop. I don't think it actually works, but it's worth a try. They make a substamce called "chigger-rid" for the same purpose.

But it won't work for bug bites where the bug isn't actually under your skin.

Bet you look perdy!

Jenna said...

He said it actually helped. I only got a couple bites but the rest of the fam who was rolling in the grass are covered.