Sunday, March 14, 2010

Taking the day off.

Sometimes it is nice to do as little as possible, so on this grey day, that is what I did.

I started by sleeping in, which I rarely do but since the clocks were changed it felt very indulgent. The boys were happily playing together (and having interventions with each cat on living together) so I made myself some eggs, toast, and coffee. I drank my whole cup of coffee while it was still hot!

I did clean up a bit and did a tiny bit of work then sat down to relax and saw that one of my favorite movies was on, The Cutting Edge! Score! Actually, there was a marathon of horrible sequels...but I watched most of all of them (with some breaks to make lunch, drive kids places, and listen to my work music). I did some cuddling with the boys and kitten. One of my son's favorite TV shows is Food Network Challenge so we watched that together before bedtime. And then my daughter and I watched the season premiere of Kendra (a true guilty pleasure).

I have ended the day with thoughts of basketball brackets and some reduced-fat ice cream.

It has rested my body and brain for the week ahead.

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