Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Recipe Update

So, I have tried several recipes in Deceptively Delicious (see previous post). And...I must admit, this idea is brilliant and easy. And the response has been very, very good.

I spent about 1 hour making several purees the other night (avocado, carrot, cauliflower, yellow squash, beet (I used salt-free canned beets)). I think I made 12 1/2-cup servings of purees and froze them (taking the breastmilk/baby food spot). I also picked up some usual winter staples such as frozen spinach and frozen pureed butternut squash. So, we were ready to go.

Seriously...add chickpeas to your next batch of cookies. I made oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips and cranberries. The chickpeas blended right in. My husband and little one didn't even noticed (when I asked my husband what he thought...he said 'there's spinach in here isn't there'). By the way... you can see the beans in there...they are not hiding!

Brownies with spinach and carrot puree....a winner!

But I really liked adding yellow squash puree to my kid's 'buttered' noodles (1/2 lb noodles cooked, 1/2 cup veg puree, 2 tbls olive oil, parm cheese). Besides, the kids couldn't see they didn't was delicious. I don't eat milk or cheese so this was great because it gave the pasta a creamy texture. My 11yo made stuffed potatoes with cauliflower puree...they were great. Again, with the lack of cheese in gave it a great flavor.

And tonight...I made green eggs and ham (a regular meal here) with spinach instead of just green food coloring. It was yummy...but my picky eater wouldn't touch it (he saw me make them...I think he would have eaten it otherwise). You couldn't taste spinach but it was in there (I like my eggs with sauteed spinach anyways).

The possibilities are endless and this book is just a starting point. I love husband is a little worried that every meal will have something hidden in it (well, if he ate his vegetables well, I wouldn't have to trick him).

Anyways...I'll try more recipes and keep you up-to-date...but this sounds like a great idea to me!


Henny Penny said...

CHickpeas in the cookies sounds easy enough, but my son doesn't need them hidden, he'll eat them straight from the can.

Jenna said...

I have one kid who will eat anything...and I mean anything. Last week he was eating pureed pumpkin from the can. And then my other one won't touch a thing (but he did eat the cookies and brownies).