Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toys...what happened?

As many of you have seen, the holiday toy ads were out before Halloween this year. My kids love to look at them over and over again and let us know what Santa should bring. I like to see what's out there...what they should send is a battery catalog! (note: we invested in rechargeable batteries awhile ago)

Almost every toy now either needs batteries or is put into something with batteries. Why? Can't the kids make animal noises? Can they play with a barn that doesn't light up? At work, we received some cool dinosaurs...however they all made noises, so I promptly removed the batteries (I do this all the time). One kid kept bringing it over to me and telling me it didn't work. After a couple tries (telling him to make a dinosaur sound), he finally happily played with it.

I also stopped at the bookstore the other day...and now apparently books have to have something extra too. It is hard to buy a book without an accompanying toy.

Let kids play...use their imaginations...give them a tub of paper towel rolls and they'll be happy, a package of construction paper with scissors and markers, a good set of building blocks.

My kids have always favored the contents of the kitchen cabinets, basics of crayons and paper, matchbox cars and truck, basic figurines, jumping on their beds...

If you still feel like you need some thing new and exciting, try our new favorite toy, Toobeez. They are like giant tinker toys. My kids have built a fort, desk, lasers, beds for their teddy bears, cars....

They happen to be having a great deal on Toobeez right now here!


Unknown said...

Do we need some Toobeez for school?

Anonymous said...

Toobeez showmeez! Pipeworks were the best thing ever. You could build anything.