Sunday, June 10, 2007

School's out for the summer...

I love my kids...I really do. I even really like spending time with my kids, one reason I decided to stay home with them full-time.

But, adjusting to the summer routine is challenging. This past week, having everyone home all the time has been interesting for us all. Not only is everyone home without a definate schedule, they are spending more time with each other than ever before. There have been lots of good points...playing together, sharing, creating projects together, getting into trouble....but there has also been a lot of fighting, screaming, hitting. They just have to spend some time and effort working out living together.

And they eat so much!! During the school year, my daugther eats two meals and a snack at school and my 3yo eats a snack at school and then takes a nap at home. During the summer, I have to provide all those meals and snacks!* They are like bottom-less pits! We have to really watch the snacking (my 3yo has found ways to get into all the food in the house...I need new hiding places!) so they eat some decent meals.

So, we are finding our way into a schedule (regular trips to the gym, library, pools, and parks). We just can't afford camps or any other regular programs (although my daughter is in the children's theater production). We are cooking together to make healthy snacks. We are instilling a strict rest time each day for everyone (in separate rooms).

So...parenting is always challenging! and something is always keeping you on your toes...let's just wait to see what happens when my husband changes jobs next week!

*In Champaign-Urbana, the school district offers free breakfast and lunch to any child between 1-18years old at Stratton Elementary (breakfast 730-9am; lunch 1130-1245pm) and Garden Hill (breakfast 8-9am, lunch 1130-1245pm).

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