Monday, March 05, 2007

Circumcision Debate

*Soapbox Alert*

On today there was an article about the ongoing debate about circumcision.
Here's the link...

You want my opinion....
Routine newborn circumcision is wrong...yes, ethically wrong. I feel extremely strongly about this. Altering your child's body in any way that is not medically necessary or in concurrence with your practicing religion or culture is wrong. I would include circumcision, ear piercing, cosmetic surgery in this category.

Obviously boys are born with foreskin on their penises...therefore it should be there. Why would you cut if off?

Oh....your son might get more urinary tract infections....if you keep everything clean (including regular diaper changes and bathing), things will be fine. Girls are more likely to get UTI's than uncircumcised boys...what should we do about that? Teach your children to bathe properly.

Oh...your son might get more STD's....not if you teach him about safe sex and how to use a condom. Yes, there are lots of studies that say that uncircumcised men are more likely to contract an STD BUT!!! not if they practice safe sex. or your husband are circumcised and you want your son to look like daddy...your son's penis will not look like yours until he is much older (when you probably won't be showing each other your penises anyways).

Oh...his penis won't look like his friends...with the growing trend to leave boys intact, there will be a variety of penis looks coming up.

I am very concerned that doctors perform this procedure and that health insurance companies pay for it since it is NOT recommended by any medical association (and it costs money). I can't get a mole removed...even though it has higher chances of getting cancer than my son's penis. You won't bring in your daughter and ask to have her pinky toe removed....they would call social services and psych. But bring your son in and ask to have his penis cut and they say sure. It is an ethics question.

My other concern is that parents are making this HUGE decision lightly. Many parents I have talked to say, they never even thought NOT to circumcise. People think it is the norm...and in the US, we lead the world in routine circumcision but why? Parents need to get educated and learn the pro and cons of the issue (and every other parenting of my big pet peeves). It is not in American culture to least not before the World Wars....only the Jewish and Islamic faith have roots in this practice.

The trends are changing and this is why....many states health insurance programs are no longer paying for the procedure. Therefore, many boys are not being circumcised for this reason. Over time, I predict that a sign of the middle-class will be circumcision. The poor can afford it and the wealthy will be more likely educated against it.

Stepping off...although I will mention that of course my two boys are intact.

Here are some resources...
Circumcision Information and Resource Page
Circumcision Resource Center

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