Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New Directions

So, I have been trying to become a master 'blogger', rather unsuccessfully. I intended to use this blog to express my feelings and experiences about early childhood and parenting, including how I get through my daily life of a mother of three kids (e.g. recipes and activities). But...because I am a mother of three kids, I have been having a difficult time finding the time and energy to blog.

But rest assure, I have not given up. I have decided to use a slightly different format (and fancy new layout). Additionally, one thing that has bothered me about blogging is the lack of interactions with my readers. So, please email me or comment on the blog. If you are reading this, let me know what you think...any questions...want a recipe for something...what to share a recipe....

Please keep coming back. I really am determined to update the site weekly...I least for now.


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